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Dwayne Mendoza

How To Keep Squirrels Out of Your Attic

If you are among those who live in squirrel populated areas, then you need to ensure that you install improvements to your house. This will prevent squirrels from nesting in your attic, edge or basement space. To attain this, there are three steps one needs to follow when preparing squirrel proof for your home. We asked the professionals from Squirrel Removal Company.

To begin with, you need to evaluate your home by moving around the house. Look for entry points and have it in mind that squirrels use considerable small openings to enter into the house. Make sure you look for openings on the roof, under the soffit and facade. Make sure you close every opening that may act as a squirrel door.

The second thing to do is to purchase materials you need to prevent squirrels by blocking each opening. You can seal some openings, which are not critical using expanding foam. It is not advisable to seal all openings. This is because other openings are necessary for appropriate performance of the roof. Sealing the entire roof will result to a problem of moisture build up and possible ice dams in a tundra region. It is advisable to talk to a professional before sealing all openings with airtight materials. For small holes, use
self-expanding foam because they are simple to use. All you need to do is to insert the hose into the gap.

Squirt the foam and it will grow to fill the hole and hardens. Materials can be bought from your local home-improvement retailer.

Finally, after purchasing the materials, determine holes to be sealed and holes necessary for air flow. The next thing is to install the materials appropriately. Even though the steps are simple, this work should be handled by a professional installer. A special care needs to be taken for the installations that need you to use a ladder. This is because you can forget and lose balance.

How To Make Your Property Unwelcoming to Raccoons

Raccoon problems are common to places which are close to nature. They might look really cute to some but they could be unsafe, fierce and might even carry some diseases. With this, you need to stay away from raccoons. Below are some effective ways on how to make your property unwelcoming to raccoons Keep them out of your place. The best advice on the topic comes from regional raccoon removal experts.

Make sure to make your place unpleasant for raccoons. Always keep your house and garage close and clean. When they are able to enter your premises, it would really be hard to evict them. Be sure that there are no leftover food in the backyard or in any place in your property for this could invite raccoons looking for something to eat.

Make a homemade deterrent

Look for unused rags in your home and apply it with ammonia or peppermint oil. Place these rags around your property especially in places where you often see some raccoons. These animals do not like the odor of ammonia and peppermint oil which keeps them away from your property. Motion-Sensor Sprinkler

An effective and inexpensive solution to your problem is a motion-sensor sprinkler. This should be set-up strategically for better results. When raccoon enter in the boundary of the sensors, it would automatically sprinkle water in the area scaring away any pests like raccoons.

Play a radio

During the night, it would be a good idea to play a radio in areas where raccoons are frequently seen. The voice of the people talking in the radio could scare of raccoons. This is an effective way of keeping those raccoons out of your property while you are having a good night sleep. For the safety of your family and property, make sure that you practice the tips mentioned above especially when your place is frequently visited by raccoons. By taking the right actions, you could easily and effectively deal with this kind of problem.

Evict A Squirrel Family With Babies

Probably, you would appreciate watching squirrels at park or anywhere else, but when the little burrowing rodent makes its way to your garret you will try by all means to see them out from that place. These animals are active all year round and built nests in holes and tree cavities mostly in winters. Your loft is the suitable place for squirrels to build a warm, nice nest more so if there is a hole or an access point to it. We asked squirrel removal experts in Toronto about their squirrel removal techniques. We were fortunate enough to get some advice.

Luckily enough, there are three main things if put in place simultaneously will eliminate squirrels from your attic in a humane way without causing any harm at all. To be successful, this effort on how to humanely evict a squirrel family with babies is advisable to be practiced for 3-4 a day.

The use of sound

Any loud sound will effectively do here, be it a radio set on a talk radio station. They can’t withstand high loud pitched sound.

Adapt a flashlight or a working light to completely light up the area. In-case you are using an electrical light, ensure that the bulb is placed in a way that it wonDt start fire. If the flash light dims down, replace the batteries immediately. Squirrels fears bright lights.


Take rags into an empty container of the margarine, dampen them using ammonia and cover it then make holes for the smell to come out. Place the stinking rags at the entrance to the nests and around nests. Before throwing containers containing ammonia into the general area of the nest, ensure that there is no babies and if there are any, they can be moved away from the containers. These odors are so strong that if a young baby
canDt flee from it, they may die. So, try to be cautious where you place them.

Install a one way exit to allow the rodents to escape. However, if the babies can’t move and follow the adults, they will simply die in that nest space thus never use a one way door if the young ones can’t move.

Use flour to trace footprints to confirm that all of them have left and if you are convinced that they are all gone, block the holes or entrances using papers or rags. If there is no sign of them in a span of 3-5 days, it’s an indication that they have migrated.

Rabies and Skunks

While raccoons are probably the animals that are known to be infected by rabies the most, in Canada, skunks are the number-two carriers of rabies. The rate of contagion is high enough that is worth being conscious of the fact and take necessary precautions.

Skunks live and thrive in urban environments like in Toronto, and recquire care when confronted. Skunks are generally solitary creatures and rarely cause problems. However, encounters with people are common, especially during the summer months. If you encounter a skunk it is best to act with caution, even though if you or your own pet strike a skunk. That is why it is best to keep skunks out.

If they’re free of rabies or other difficulties they’re not confrontational creatures. Back away quietly, in your property should you strike a skunk and slowly. Don’t run or shout and cry. Skunks and loud commotions don’t blend well!

With all that said, here are a few signals of rabid skunk behavior to be on the lookout for:

1. A skunk that’s competitive and shows no fear of individuals or dogs can become a provider. Under ordinary conditions, a skunk ought to be scared of individuals.
2. It might maybe become a sign, when the skunk is drooling excessively or foaming in the mouth. It’ll be entirely disoriented and competitive.
4. Does the skunk appear drunk? Could it be stumbling, walking amusing, and amazing? This can be a hint of the rabid animal.

Not one of these signals can be an absolute promise a skunk has rabies. With this, the skunk would examined by means of a professional and need to be dead. However, it’s a good idea to practice caution at all times when working with skunks or any additional wild creature, don’t count on descriptions and possible indications of rabid skunk behavior. Its not all animal shows signs immediately.

How To Keep Out Raccoons From Your Property

Home improvement is essential as it creates a relaxed ambiance and speaks positively about the individual homeowner. In some areas, there is a high number of raccoons that may invade private property. While some people have kept these animals as pets; experts discourage the practice for a number of reasons. Raccoons are known to spread rabies and can cause destruction to property both inside and outside the house, that is why you need to call your local wildlife control service. If you are in Richmond Hill you can give these guys a call, in Richmond Hill . In addition, the aggressive behavior of raccoons is highly unpredictable, to the extent that they can bite in situations where they feel threatened. As such, it is vital that the animals are kept out from private property or call you local raccoon removal company.

How to keep out raccoons from your property

It is important to understand the behavior of raccoons before deciding the perfect way to keep them out. Installing light and sound devices around the property. These nocturnal animals will mostly look for food at night. It is evident that they like moving around when it is quiet and dark. Placing floodlights around the property will discourage raccoons from coming near the said property. In addition, one can place the source of sound next to the areas that the animals will mostly visit. For instance, placing a radio near a litter bin will keep the animals away

Proper storage of food sources

Raccoons are omnivorous and will mostly raid areas where there is the constant supply of food. If one keeps pet food outside their house, raccoons will opt to feed on the same instead of hunting in the wild. In order to keep the animals out, the area around the property should be kept free of anything that comprises the animal’s diet. Any waste should be securely covered to avoid a situation where raccoons are attracted by litter bins.

Seal all possible entry points

These animals gain entry into the property by either climbing or digging the ground. Covering all entry point is a great way to keep the animals out of the property. Cutting any branches that hang over the roof will prevent raccoons from accessing the roof. Moreover, after driving out all raccoons, it is advisable to fit chimney caps to stop raccoons from using chimneys as hiding places.

Electrified fence

It has been said that normal fences will do very little to keep raccoons out. With such fences, the animals will either climb over or dig the ground to access the property. Electrified fences, especially around gardens, yards and orchards will effectively prevent the animals from accessing private property. An important point to note is that the fence should be armed at times when raccoons are considered to be most active. For more stubborn raccoons, repellents can be used to keep them out. In extreme cases, one can consult pest control professionals for reliable advice. All in all, with the knowledge on how to keep out raccoons from your property, there is something you can do to control the animals.

Getting Rid of Pigeons

Pigeons are a classic pest. These birds habitually roost on or inside buildings where they create messes with feathers and droppings. They can also spread disease, so getting rid of them is a good idea. While it’s not always easy to keep them away, with the right knowledge, it can be done effectively using following tips or you also can read a great article written by humane society.

Pigeon Spikes

Spikes are a type of bird repellent that will keep birds from landing on a roof, porch, or balcony. The spikes should not actually injure the birds, but will be effective in sending them away. Pigeon spikes are available from most home improvement stores and can be installed easily with silicone. However, while spikes are effective, they may not be practical for all areas so take other measures as needed.

Surface Repellents

Because pigeons have sensitive feet, surface repellents are a safe choice. Most of the repellents on the market today are sticky and pigeons avoid them as much as possible. Apply this material to areas where pigeons could land and after one pigeon discovers the surface, the others will learn and land in other spots. Surface repellent is a practical choice for larger areas and tends to be very effective.

Seal Off Entrances

While pigeons on the property are frustrating, they can actually roost in attics and vents, causing damage to a home. The best way to prevent pigeons from entering a house it to seal off any potential spots. Ensure that attic and soffit vents are properly screened to keep out pigeons as well as any other pests. Complete a thorough inspection of the roof to find these open areas and block them off.

Consider Ultrasonic Devices

Ultrasonic devices are new to the market but will effectively keep pigeons from a certain area. These devices can be set to emit frequencies that are specific to different types of birds and animals, so ultrasonic devices will keep pigeons away without scaring other types of wildlife. The impact to pigeons is similar to being in a crowded room. Since they cannot communicate, pigeons tend to avoid areas with ultrasonic devices and won’t nest or stay where a device is present.

These methods are effective at removing pigeons as well as preventing their return. These methods are also cruelty-free and will encourage pigeons to live away from homes and crowded areas. Use one or more of these solutions as a way to keep pigeons from being a continuous pest and causing damage.